Delancey UK Schools' Chess Challenge

Event Terms and Conditions

UKCC Event Terms and Conditions


This Event Terms and Conditions policy provides you with information about your rights regarding entering and participation in one of our ‘Live Events’. This covers chess tournaments such as Megafinals, Gigafinals, Challengers, Terafinal and any other chess tournament or training camp that we may organise.

For the avoidance of doubt the policy is relevant for live events – ie those which take place in person (not online competitions).

By registering for an Event you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions


If you wish to cancel an Event registration then you must notify us in writing at If we receive this notice at least 14 days before the day of the Event then we will refund 50% of your entry fee. If we receive this notice after this point or you do not turn up then no refund will be payable.


We are not able to transfer your registration to a different Event once you have booked. If you wish to play in a different Event you will need to register for that Event separately on the website and then cancel the original Event by writing to us at Cancellations are subject to the cancellation policy above. As only a % of the fee is repayable in the event of a cancellation we advise that you carefully check you are entering the event you wish to play in.

The Event registration is for the sole use of the child named on the entry form and cannot be transferred or sold to another customer.


If we cancel an Event due to reasons within our reasonable control then you will be entitled to a full refund of your registration fee. We will not refund miscellaneous expenses such as hotel and travel fees.

If you suffer loss and damage as a direct result of our negligence, our liability to you will be limited to an amount equal to the face value of the registration fee paid by you for the Event. Under no circumstances will our liability extend to costs or losses incurred in connection with the Event, (including cancellation, postponement or rescheduling of an Event); travel, accommodation or hospitality arrangements; loss of enjoyment or disappointment.

UK Chess Challenge shall have no liability to attendees in the event the above loss or damage is caused by a “Force Majeure Event”, i.e. an event beyond UK Chess Challenge Ltd or the venues control including (without limitation) any act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, fire, flood, explosion, extreme weather conditions, medical emergency, theft of essential equipment, strike, lock out, malicious damage, or acts or regulations of national governments.


On rare occasions it may be necessary to amend round times, reduce or increase the number of rounds, change time limits or make some other changes to the rules. These will be at the discretion of the organiser. This does not materially alter the substance of the Event and therefore you will not be entitled to a refund.


We reserve the right to expel or to refuse entry to any parent or child who have not pre-registered for the Event, are being threatening, abusive, excessively anti-social or carrying illegal weapons or substances. No refund will be granted to an individual who has been expelled or refused entry on these grounds.


Entry to our Events is subject to you and your child agreeing to our Code of Conduct.


Parents or guardians are responsible for their children throughout the Event. During the game parents will not be allowed access to the playing hall – at this time the children will be under the supervision of the Control Team. As soon as the child leaves the playing hall the parent is again fully responsible.

We suggest you ensure your child is aware of where you are waiting and knows where to find you. If you lose contact with your child please inform a member of the control team.

The UKCC believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to practice which protects them. Please see our Safeguarding Statement for more information


We may be photographing and/or filming at our Events. Images from the Event may be used in the promotional videos and/or for other entertainment and publicity purposes. We may use the images on our website, in our printed materials and on 3rd party sites such as You Tube. Copyright and all material filmed will be held by UK Chess Challenge. By registering and attending an Event you consent to this footage being used for the purposes detailed above.

If you do not wish for your child to be included in this material please email us at

Visitors (players, parents, guardians, coaches) may take photographs / film at our events if the images / film are for personal use only. Not withstanding this if a parent or child asks to not be included in the photography / filming then we expect attendees to be sympathetic to these requests. The event organiser has the capacity to insist that no photography or filming is allowed at any time.


• Price and availability information is subject to change without notice
• UKCC accepts no responsibility for any personal property that is brought to Events
• The customer will be responsible for any loss, damage or injury incurred as a result of attending our Events
• We will not be liable or responsible if an Event is cancelled due to circumstances outside our reasonable control


5th February 2022: Updated section 2

18th May 2020: Added clarification that policy refers to ‘live events’

10th February 2020: