
Back in December I mentioned that Chess – The Musical was heading back to London. I went to see it last weekend at the impressive London Coliseum. It was all I hoped it would be: great cast, extremely effective set, live orchestra and packed to the rafters with...

Candidates (Part 3)

The exciting Berlin Candidates tournament is now over and the official challenger for World Champion Magnus Carlsen is Fabiano Caruana. Caruana was the only winner in yesterday’s games. Showing great determination, he played a long game against Grischuk and...

Candidates (Part 2)

We said there would be more twists and turns at the Berlin Candidates tournament and the games in yesterday’s penultimate round didn’t disappoint. It is never easy to bounce back after any defeat but Caruana, with the eyes of the chess world upon him, won...


There is a fierce battle going on at the Berlin Candidates tournament, with eight of the world’s top players desperately trying to become the official challenger to World Champion Magnus Carlsen. Fabiano Caruana looked to be in control of the tournament but a...

“C’est la vie”

Yesterday I witnessed a sudden end to a hard-fought game in the last round of one of my Delancey UK Chess Challenge games. White, who had played very well up until now to achieve an easily winning position, had just moved in for the kill with Bf4-d6, attacking the...

Blunders by the Best (3)

Last time we looked at this position. Saemisch – Capablanca Karlsbad, 1929 Capablanca played 9 …Ba6 here, to start pressuring White’s potentially weak pawns. Saemisch replied with the very strong 10 Qa4!, forking Black’s bishop and knight. The bishop now...