Take the Challenge!

Entries are now due for the 2018 Delancey UK Schools’ Chess Challenge. It is important to remember that the tournament is open to all UK schools and chess clubs and not just those who have entered in previous years or who have any sort of history with the world...

Sarah’s Teesside Simul

Recently I posted about the basic details regarding simultaneous displays. Today produced excellent evidence of the impact such an event can have in schools, when WFM Sarah Longson (née Hegarty), England International and former British Champion (not to mention...
Special Events

Special Events

Simultaneous Display There are lots of different special events that can be used to boost a chess club. One such event is a simultaneous display, in which a strong player plays a number of games at the same time. This can be a very large number indeed. For example,...
Chess and Special Needs Education

Chess and Special Needs Education

Between 20% and 25% of children are classified as ‘special needs’ and diagnosed with a wide range of neurological conditions. For many of these children, chess can have a dramatic effect on their lives. But it is exactly these children, who have the most...