“C’est la vie”

Yesterday I witnessed a sudden end to a hard-fought game in the last round of one of my Delancey UK Chess Challenge games. White, who had played very well up until now to achieve an easily winning position, had just moved in for the kill with Bf4-d6, attacking the...

Blunders by the Best (3)

Last time we looked at this position. Saemisch – Capablanca Karlsbad, 1929 Capablanca played 9 …Ba6 here, to start pressuring White’s potentially weak pawns. Saemisch replied with the very strong 10 Qa4!, forking Black’s bishop and knight. The bishop now...

Blunders by the Best (2)

Last time we looked at a position from the Steinitz – Chigorin World Championship match of 1892. Chigorin blundered with 32 Bb4?? and Steinitz now forced a checkmate in two moves with 32 …Rxh2+, which enabled him to win the match 10-8 and retain his title....

Blunders by the Best (1)

Imagine you are playing against one of the world’s greatest players – and you have a chance to win! Would you be able to find the path to victory, despite feeling under pressure? Our next few blogs will feature positions in which players competing at the...

Act Now!

If your school still hasn’t entered the UKCC then NOW is the time for action. All you have to do is head here to enter. Please remember this magnificent event is open to ALL UK schools. Every child will win a prize, from chess badges upwards. The top scorers...